The Beetle

Stone cold,
No one has yet broken her mold

The mold in which she hides behind,
A forbidding attitude guising a heart so kind

One too many past mistakes,
Always had a little too much to give and not enough to take

No no, only physically; not with a feeling
Anything but the surface would be too revealing

Respect for her is what they’d lack,
But don’t forget with one pointed finger, there are three pointing back

Vulnerability is a toxin & to it she would not succumb
Pain, love, emotions? No thank you, I choose to be numb

Living with her flaws and living with her fears
Only to lash out when someone came near

But then suddenly she let someone in
They talked and they laughed over a shot of gin

She still had her fears, she felt insecure,
Hurt she would not get and that was for sure

Time went on and she began to trust,
She finally knew it was more than just lust

However, she realized that fear never went away,
The deeper you fall the more that it stays

To love and be loved is a frightening thing,
But many lessons along with it definitely brings

In that state of “I do not know,”
Where I’ll end up or where I will go

Will you be with me or will we part ways?
The inevitable future is only moments away

With fear and some pain, my life must go on
I must finish the lyrics to an incomplete song

So my dear friend, it pains me to say
Goodbye, farewell, and maybe one day

We’ll meet again or maybe we’ll be one beat shy?
Our rhythms may be off until the day we die

In all of this, one thing is certain,
Sometimes life’s an open stage and sometimes a closed curtain

People enter and leave your life for many reasons
They can come and go just as quickly as the seasons…


Unknown said...

love it 😁❤️

Kristen Alesch said...

Thanks, Nerd. Always appreciate your love, support and commentary <3

Unknown said...

Beautiful, sweet beetle.

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