One of the Most Powerful Quizzes You Will Ever Take

In honor of what is the end of another school year for many, I have a very important, enlightening quiz for everyone to take. It is a two part quiz; bear with me through both parts-the information is important for your future success and happiness (insert flashing red lights here!!!). I took this quiz when I was in graduate school and I haven't forgotten it since then. It's not open internet or open book...just open mind :)

Part I

1) Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980?

2) Who won the Superbowl in 1983?

3) Who won the 1985 Academy Award for Best Actor?

4) Who was the wealthiest person in 2005?

5) Who was the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2002? many could you name? Now you can use the all powerful Google to check your answers on this section....I'll wait while you tally.

Part II

1) Which teacher was the most influential in your life?

2) Who comforted you in your time of greatest pain/need?

3) Who made you laugh yesterday, last week, last year?

4) Who accepts and loves you for you?

5) Who are the people in your best memories?

Again I ask-how many could you name in Part II? Compare your totals. Think about what that means for your life...for our societal priorities...for the allocation of our individual and societal scarce resources of time and energy...and think about how we live our lives in regards to the answers to these questions.

I think about this quiz quite often since the first time I took it. I consider myself a trivia buff so I was taken down a few pegs when I couldn't answer any of the first five questions. I remember feeling humbled and grateful after the second five questions and the thought and discussions that have since followed...even years later.

I'd like to hear your thoughts and reflections, if you would be so kind and generous to share your time and energy briefly with me. I'd also like to share mine with you later-I don't want to impact or direct the course of discussion right now, though I do want to share my thought and reflections with you. I feel sharing our thoughts and hearts is one of the most powerful and memorable gifts we can give one another <3

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