Holaa everyone. I’m going to be completely honest here in
saying that I never know how to begin these blog posts. It’s like, do I start
off with a legit introduction sentence like I would in an essay orrrrr do I
just ramble a little bit for the first paragraph until I finally tell everyone
what I’m going to write about? I guess this time I chose the ladder. The
hardest part about writing for this blog is honestly choosing what to write
about, which is probably why I’m still babbling, but okay okay I will shut up
and cut to the chase.

Now, most recently I was out with a few of my friends and I
was complaining to one of my close guy friends about the dating habits of guys
my age today. I was complaining about how guys think it is okay to get
shitfaced drunk and then proceed to call a girl at bar close to either get some
late night “lovin” or to simply have someone to cuddle up to at the end of the
night. This is today’s modern form of dating (too many blog posts on this topic
already) and I was complaining about this fucked up dynamic we have created and
instead of playing into it, saying that I would not be one of those girls to
answer that 2 a.m. phone call.
My friend didn’t really agree with me and said that it just
seems that that’s how most dudes operate. “You’re the one that doesn’t let
dudes in,” he followed up with. “You strike me as the bang and let go kind of
girl.” Now, you can probably see where I would be a little offended hearing
these statements but to be honest, I really wasn’t offended because I’ve been
hearing this shit since I was old enough to kiss a guy.
The annoying part of hearing stuff like “you seem sexually
experienced” or “you just have that face that seems like you’d be down to fuck”
is that people who say this kind of stuff are judging me based solely on what I
show on the surface. I wear makeup, I’m a bit sassy, I swear a little too much
and I’m not afraid to tell someone what I’m thinking. I’m not quiet or soft and can shoot the shit
back at the guys. Oh yeah, so that immediately makes me a slut.
I was kind of taken aback by the statements my friend said
because one day I truly do want to fall in love with someone and find that
person as weird as I am. In the meantime, however, I am not just going to
settle for Joe Schmo just for the sake of being in a relationship. People
continuously tell me that I don’t let guys in, but let me tell you, no guy has
tried that hard to get in or break down the walls that I put up. No guy has
persistently tried to get to know me, hell, no guy has actually even asked me
out on a real date! (I know that’s asking a lot for my generation)
I do let people see the soft, vulnerable sides of me (my
sisters, close friends, and maybe a boyfriend one day), but it takes a lot for
me to do that, and maybe it does for everyone, but I’m not willing to just
throw that part of me out there for just anyone and I think that’s okay. This
is probably the reason I haven’t been “attached” to anyone, but I think that at
this point in my life I’m better off this way. I think it’s healthy that I’m
not in an unhealthy relationship because based on my track record of going for
some real winners, I would probably be attached to someone and stuck in a fucked
up relationship.
I also had no clue what a good relationship looked like up
until I was 20 years old. My parents’ marriage was nearing the end by the time
I was born, so I grew up in an environment with a very cold atmosphere. I never
saw them kiss or complement each other and at age 6 I thought it was completely
and utterly normal for parents to not sleep in the same bed. I thank God that I
have older sisters to show me what a loving relationship looks like. My second
oldest sister, Jill, has been happily and not so happily married to her husband
John for 8 years now. I say happily and not so happily because those two have
shown me that marriage is full of love and sometimes hatred, but through both
feelings you’re going to have to get through it with each other because you
made a promise to one another. Molly is going to be married this May and I
thank her because she has shown me that it is okay need your spouse and also be
needed. Sometimes you will be the caretaker and other times you will be the one
getting taken care of and there is no shame in either of those.
So, I guess I am a little bit skeptical of opening up to
someone because up until recent years, I have only seen the cons in doing so
andI guess now that I have seen what a good relationship looks like; I
what I want to “attach” myself to. If I’m going to open up with a chance of me
possibly getting my heart broken, you can bet your ass it’s going to be with a
person worth it.
I guess the entire point of this blog post was to get your
guys’ opinions, though. Do you guys think that it’s strange, healthy,
unhealthy, etc. that I’m 21 years young and have never been in love or attached
myself to anyone? What factors allow you to open yourself up to certain people
and not with others? I would love to know your thoughts, as this is a question
I am constantly struggling with and over analyzing just a hair too muchJ.
It does sound like you've got some walls/hard edges. I'm sure Jill could better answer, if no one else. I did happen to see this earlier today and thought it appropriate to your post: http://theloom.someecards.com/the-loom/how-to-fall-in-love-with-absolutely-anyone/
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