Music to My Ears

There’s just something about hearing that song on the radio. You know the one…and there’s always more than one. You could play it on your smart phone, or computer any time…but when it comes on the radio, unsolicited, it feels like this moment was made just for you. Personally, music has gotten me through many a challenging time and sparked or heightened many a good time. It is in that vein of thought that I am posting about music…because I think we all are facing challenging times right now and maybe a musical interlude in our lives can provide some joy, spark some memories, offer solidarity, or even make us dance.

Research demonstrates that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain, as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory (I knew there was a justification for all of the money I’ve spent on concerts!). Music also creates feelings of cohesion and social connectedness. Music bonds us. We all probably remember our high school or college school songs, have shared "our" song with a romantic partner, been sung to and sang to children at bedtime (I know I still remember my dad’s eclectic bed time collection that included Country Roads by John Denver and It’s Too Late by Carol King…and that, for better or worse, has now been sung to another generation), and have those summers, events, and seasons of life where a specific song was the soundtrack for that period of time (I'm looking at you, Shut Up and Dance and Somebody Told Me).

I am on the Wellness Committee at work. I chose music for our November Wellness newsletter for just the reasons I listed above. I came across a 30 day music playlist challenge that made me excited and happy and I wanted to share it with all of you. I want to see what playlist my sisters put together and I would love to see what you, our readers, put together, too, if you're willing to share. I'm looking forward to putting mine together and listening the shit out of it on my walks - both help me put "the real world" outside of my head for a while, help me remember good times and special people throughout my life. Even the songs that evoke tears remind me of all I am grateful for, the beautiful souls I have and have had in my life, and can remind me that yes, this, too, shall pass.

One of my favorite music memories is my sisters and I, my dad, and my niece and nephew road tripping down to Idaho to see my dad's old fire station for his 70th birthday. We all took turns picking a song, playing them on my blue tooth speaker, and singing along. We kept track of what we picked and in what order so we could make a playlist of that trip. As you can imagine, with the ages ranging from five to 70 and everywhere in between, we had quite the mix! I still think of that time whenever I hear The Lion Sleeps Tonight or Spirits by the Strumbellas.

I hope you enjoy this - even if reading it makes you just think of the songs you might pick - it's guaranteed to spark a memory, inspire a smile or laugh, make you dance, and maybe provide some sweet relief from the current shit show we are all living in and enduring (doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon so keep your playlists handy!).

Your go-to karaoke song.

Song you like with a color in the title.

Song off the first album you ever purchased.

Song you like with a number in the title.

Song that reminds you of someone special.

Song that reminds you of summertime.

Song you can’t help but dance to.

Song that needs to be played loudly.

Song by a band you wish were still together.

Song to drive to.

Favorite song from the 80’s.

Song that makes you happy.

Song from a movie.

Song that makes you sad.

Favorite cover song by another artist.

Song you never get tired of.

Song you know every word to.

Song that reminds you of your teen years.

Favorite power ballad.

Song you like from the 70’s.

Song from the year you were born.

Song that makes you feel motivated.

Song that makes you think about life.

Favorite song from a musical.

Song you like with a person’s name in the title.

Your newest favorite song.

Song that moves you forward.

The ultimate road trip song.

Song you think everyone should listen to.

Song that reminds you of a school dance.

In case you want a longer play list, add these songs, too!

Song you like by an artist no longer living.
Favorite song from the 90's.
Song that breaks your heart.
Song your parents always played.
Song by an artist whose voice you love.
Song that makes you feel relaxed.
Song that reminds you of yourself.
Favorite duet/remix.
Your most played song this year.
Song you never get bored of.
Your guilty pleasure song.

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