Lock Him Up

Wake the fuck up, people. I seriously can't stand the hypocrisy of late. Specifically, I'm talking about Pence's use of an AOL account to conduct state business. For an overview, click on this:


First of all, who the fuck uses an AOL account? Is AOL still in business? Seriously if I have to take shit for still owning a Yahoo! account I submit having an AOL account is positively primeval. Second, where are the outraged mobs that were calling for Hilary Clinton's head? Why are we just subtlety pissed off when a geriatric man uses a private email account but filled with hate and disgust when a woman uses a private email server? I kniw, you may be thinking, "Hey asshole, the Governor's representive said he didnt break any laws." Well, news flash folks.  Neither did Hilary. But she was judged like she had. And notably, i havent heard anyone questioning the results of the Pence AOL account inquiry. No, we accept that a man did not break the law much more readily than when a woman is involved. 

Deep down, you know the answer. Deep down you know it's because many people carry a deep seeded hatred for women who don't "behave." This is not political. Take the politics out of it and compare the behavior and the corresponding public reaction. There's your answer. Don't try to talk yourself out of it or deny it. The quicker the denial, the greater the truth. Sexism is alive and well.  Stop being part of the problem. Stop blindly following the crowd without evaluation of motive. Just stop. Have the courage to be who you are and stand up for what is right. And if equality still poses a problem for you, remember that if you can convince someone he is better than the some other sex, race, gender, ethnicity, etc., he won't notice his own pocket being picked. Hell, convince a person he is better than someone else and he will actually empty his pockets for you. BOOM. Finken out.

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