"Plans or no plans, keep a little space in your heart for the improbable.  You won't regret it."

I love this quote from Elizabeth Warren. This week, I have been contemplating the improbable and what it means to me.  One of the interpretations I have come up with is that the improbable is that place where life surprises you when your best laid plans go awry. It is there, in this space, that life can hand out unexpected miracles and leave us astonished.  When we plan, think, perseverate and then plan some more, arduously sticking to the course we have charted in our myopic minds, we leave no room for these spontaneous gifts of joy from the universe.

I think that myself and all of my sisters had one of these surprises the weekend of September 5. It is also the reason we have been incommunicado for over a week. You see, the true middle child in our family-Molly- is getting married.  We held her bachelorette party in Chicago Sept. 5-7. All five of the sisters and four of Molly's friends descended upon the city for baseball, booze and bar hopping. There were a multitude of improbable, spontaneous and unplanned moments that transpired over the weekend. So much so, I think, that no one was able to easily slip back into our planned, regimented and otherwise relatively stable lives, including writing for this blog.

It is with all seriousness that we apologize for our lengthy hiatus but we assure you, dear reader, that we are back from our weekend of improbable celebration and that we will do our best to get back on track. Although we are sorry we missed a post or two, we don't regret it. It was a good reminder to all of us that sometimes, the universe has other ideas for us and that these improbable situations often turn out to be the ones that become legend. No good story ever started with, "Every plan I made worked out perfectly...."

I'm sure by now, you might be wondering what in the world happened at this epic party that took nearly two full weeks to recover from. Well, unfortunately, I can't give you all the details. However, a guest blogger, and friend of the bride to be, is going to write a guest blog on her observations of the 5 Alesch girls next week. So until then, just to give you a little taste, here are the top five improbable moments from my perspective. If they don't leave you wanting to know the full story, I don't know what will :)

5. You really can make a homemade half shirt with a pair of fingernail scissors.
4. You can do anything you want as long as you are wearing a bandana.
3.  Sometimes calling someone an assfuck is a good choice.
2.  "It's Raining Men," can extend the life of a party indefinitely.
1. You can walk around Chicago with 99% of your pants shredded and not get noticed.

Enjoy and we will be back with you next week!

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