Part I: I'm Rich, Bitch!!! And So Can You!!!

Ok...first of all, I have to credit Stephen Colbert (please pronounce it right while reading) and Dave Chapelle for the title of this post. I love them both. Secondly, this is a two part post...part one is a little bit thug and the second is a little bit gangsta. Jk-if I can't fuck around in a blog post, where can I? The first part is a little bit of a parable/story. The second part is a little more personal....and I think if you read this first part, you will have your own very personal second part. I was fortunate enough to take the time to talk with a man who shared this with was very powerful for me and I want to share it with you and what it makes me think of in my own life (Part II). So here we go...once upon a time...

The Magic Bank Account

Imagine that you had won the following PRIZE in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules:

1. Everything you don't spend during each day is taken away from you.

2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.

3. You may only spend it.

4. Each morning upon waking, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day.

5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, "Game Over!". It can close the account and you will not receive a new one. What would you personally do?

Think about it...right now. Just pause everything...maybe for minutes, hours, a day and think. I know I've thought about it almost every day since I heard this story...what would you do?

Could you spend that much on yourself? Would you want to? Would you spend it on others?

Maybe you would even spend it on people you don't know (because, day after day, could you possibly spend that much on only YOURSELF and feel okay about it or have that many things to spend it on?). You would try to spend every penny because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right?


Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just cannot see it sometimes.

The *PRIZE* is *TIME*.

1. Each morning we awaken to 86,400 seconds of life.

2. When we go to sleep, any of the remaining time IS NOT credited to us.

3. What we haven't used up that day is lost forever.

4. Each morning the account is refilled, but the "bank" can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING.

So...what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?

I will end here...because I want you to think about what this means to you before I post my own thoughts on this (stay tuned for Wednesday!!!)
. I love any comments you want to leave thus far in the journey of this post. Remember, we're rich, bitch. (Also, I love cats.)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Why is it that we squander the wealth we have when it's in abundance? Time, natural resources, name a few. Why don't we value these things more? It's actually detrimental to do so, yet we all do it. It's a contradiction that we all must consciously address each day.

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