It Takes a Village to Raise an Amy Sue

It takes a village to raise an Amy Sue. I can't remember the first time that version of the proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child", popped into my head-it's been there for a while now and makes frequent appearances. I like it when I think of that concept. I am filled with gratitude, humility and love. I am filled with those feelings because I know that the Amy Sue I know and love today would not be here, if not for the care, love, kindness, support, honesty, spirit, energy, guidance, encouragement, patience and generosity of so many people.

There was a time when I was a shell of myself, when I hated myself, when I didn't know myself and I was disconnected from my feelings and my authentic self-a time when I didn't have a voice. If not for the many beautiful people who have given me their love and spirit-some for great lengths of time (continuing to the present) and some for moments-I would still bet that person. It has taken a metaphorical "village" for me to be able to love myself, to find my voice, to be an authentic human and to be vulnerable and truly loving. Not all of it was pleasant; it was all worth it.

As this blog continues, I will share more about all of this. For now, I want to say I hope this blog is part of your village-a place to find support when you think you are the only person who feels crazy, like a square peg for society's round hole; a place where discussions of sometimes uncomfortable ideas can be had in a respectful fashion-because for true growth to occur, sometimes we need to be pushed past our comfort level and sometimes we have to be okay with the unknown.

My sisters are a (significant) part of my village-four beautiful women in spirt, mind and body. I am them and they are me and we not completely each other. We are Dissident Daughters because every one of us has felt the pain and struggle of being outside the norm, outside of what is expected of someone our age, our gender, our position (insert any of society's simplifying categories here). We are Dancing because we also nurture joy, excitement and a love for  life.

This blog will celebrate both of those parts of our selves. It has taken a village to raise an Amy Sue and my village is still growing, as am I. This blog is a part of that and a product of that. I am grateful and honored to be writing this with my beautiful sisters and for our first and future readers. I know there is so much yet to be given and spoken and exchanged and challenged and loved.

1 comment:

James Crawford said...

So glad I found this! Looking forward to more.

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